Tuesday, October 31, 2017

*Example Post Project# 5* The Drawn of Civilization in a Picture!

For this project Mr. Rothemich had us draw an image showing the relationship between Agriculture, Settlement, Population Growth and how that Connects to Civilization.  Here are my pictures please enjoy.

Image result for # 2
In this picture students showed how agriculture led to permanent settlements
and how these two things led to population growth and eventually to civilization.

Crash Course History: Agriculture Revolution Video
Agricultural Revolution Lecture Video 
NPR Population Growth Video 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Hunter-Gatherer Restaurant Menu or Blueberry Foraging Guide

For this project Mr. Rothemich had us research wild plants that are edible.  We did this project in order to connect our lives to the lives of Paleolithic hunter-gatherers that depended on foraging for wild plants to survive.  Thanks for checking out my post.  

Autumn Olive  Scientific Name Elaeagnus Umbellata
The autumn olive is a small tree that can be found..

For this project Mr. Rothemich had us research and create a wild menu for a hunter-gatherer meal.  We did this project in order to connect our lives today to the lives of Paleolithic hunter-gatherers that depended on wild plants and animals to survive.  Thanks for checking out my post.  

Our menu items all come from ______ in the world originally.  

Image result for Wild BoarsImage result for Lingonberry
Image result for Edible Mushroom native to europe

The Nature Conservancy